
looking good

today i added on the tail housing and boom. what a chore!

this heli uses a belt drive to power the tail.

i found it easier to disassemble the left side (top in pictures) boom holder to get the tail + belt into position. i kept trying the way the manual suggested... and ended up frustrated... you see, the heli doesn't have a belt tensioner like some models of the trex (or the helimax for that matter), so there isn't a whole lot of "give" on the belt.

also, when you're tightening the boom onto the frame, you need to keep some good tension on the belt. regardless, the manual doesn't do a great job in showing how much of the tube can be sticking out into the frame, don't worry if there's a mm or two sticking out.

one last thing, before you've finished tightening the boom, check to see that the tail rotor spins correctly. Spin the main rotor BACKWARDS., and you should see the Tail shaft moving CW. this is to confirm the auto rotation gear is pointed in the right direction... and that your tail is setup correctly.

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