
Progress - Day One - Redux

i totally screwed up on the main shaft.... i attached the control arm assembly upside down.

so after trying to figure out why the arms just didn't work right, i took a look there.... yeah. what a major pain in the arse. i took almost every major part that i had completed up to this point (and i got pretty damn far) and had to undo/redo it (not to mention this blog). lucky for me, helicopters are small.

so here's the pictures with the main shaft correctly assembled.

NOTE: an easy way to tell if you've installed the cyclic control arms upside down... the arms would be pointing in the other direction, and the triangular pieces would clash against the swashplate.

Main Frame
be careful on how you connect the swashplate control arms... the ball-connectors on the arms have an "in"-side, and an "out"-side. again... ask me how i know.
they should specify that difference in the instructions.

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