
what doesn't come in the box?

well. here's the downside of buying this kit. it's not and RTF helo, like a Blade CP, and as such, it does not come with everything in the box... i bought a few of these items, but i wasn't able to get 'em all... yet

  • Motor. Brushless suggested.
    • (i picked up an Align KV3550)
  • Speed Control.
    • (Staying with Align for the ESC)
  • Radio System.
    • (Pending)
  • Gyro.
    • (Pending... actually, do i really need one? i can fly my Blade CP without one... not very well of course... hmmm)
  • Rotor Blades
    • (WTF! you'd think they could have threw in at least 1 pair. sheesh)
  • Batteries
    • (that's standard, of course, i only have 1 battery i can spare... thus, i need MORE!)
  • Battery Charger
    • (Pro Peak)
  • Battery Balancer
    • (will purchase much later)
  • Pinion Gear
    • for some reason, my hobby guy tossed a new pinion gear into the pile of stuff. i'm not exactly sure why, but i guess it will make more sense later... nevermind. i just re-read the instructions, it seems that the motor pinion gear isn't included. go figure.

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